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FENS Forum 2024

How did you like the FENS Forum 2024?

From 25 to 29 June 2024, ANA was privileged to host the FENS Forum, the world-class Neuroscience event in Europe.

Thank you for attending! Here you find some meeting highlights.

The Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA) and the Hungarian Neuroscience Society (MITT) served as host societies for the FENS forum 2024. Adding to the FENS website and social media, this page offers you memories and highlights of the FENS forum 2024. Keep in touch to stay updated on all the FENS-related initiatives and we hope to see you soon at the FENS regional meeting and at the FENS FORUM 2026 in Madrid.

Tips on how to prepare for your next FENS forum :-)

1. Check out all the event information available on the FENS website

2. Submit your proposal for symposia and technical workshops

3. Register to FENS 2024 (info coming soon)

4. Follow FENS on FacebookLinkedIn, Instagram, and @Fensorg on Twitter ... #FENS2024

5. Follow ANA on Facebook, LinkedIn, and twitter

6. Prepare ahead for your trip by checking out all travel info on the FENS forum website

7. Stay tuned and check out the extras & FENS-related initiatives (info coming soon)

8. Share your FENS experience on social media #FENS2024 

9. Spread the word about FENS with the FENS Forum promotional toolkit

Note: ANA distributes numerous travel grants and prizes, which are reserved for society members.

To apply for ANA membership you can follow the instructions at this link: Join ANA

Student Host Society Committee (SHSC)

A core of selected young neuroscientists represented ANA (host society) at the FENS. They were our key assets in organizing featuring initiatives and help the young fellow scientist before and during the FENS


Marta Solano (Chair), PhD student, Thomas Klausberger Group, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


David Vijatovic (Chair), PhD student, Sweeney Group, ISTA, Austria


Salome Niethammer, PhD student, Melzer lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Patricia Parzer, Master student, Weinhofer lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Thomas Karner, PhD student, Wagner Lab, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria


Greta Crudeli, PhD student, Melzer lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Dow Gilkman, Master student, Haubensak Lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Divyansh Gupta, PhD student, Neuroethology Group, Maximilian Jösch Lab, ISTA, Austria


Adrián Klepe, PhD student, Winfried Neuhaus lab, AIT, Austria


Heloisa Chiossi, PhD student, Csicsvari lab, ISTA, Austria


Stephanie J. Eder, PhD student, Zimmer Lab, University of Vienna, Austria

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