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Austrian Neuroscience Association
the voice of Neuroscience in Austria

Welcome to the > 100 new members of the Austrian Neuroscience Association! Thank you for joining us in advancing neuroscience in Austria and beyond. Together, let's explore the mysteries of the mind and make a difference!
FENS Forum 2024 & SHSC
This outstanding international meeting was held in Vienna, in June 2024. It attracted more than 7000 neuroscientists and was proudly hosted by the Austrian Neuroscience Association and Hungarian Neuroscience Society, and supported by our Student Host Society Committee (SHSC)
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PhD Thesis Award
All young members of ANA who recently graduated are warmly invited to apply for the Best Thesis Award, bestowed yearly-along with a significant monetary prize!

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Be part of our Neuroscience community and enjoy the prestigious benefits and exclusive opportunities offered to all members of the Austrian Neuroscience Association.

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Grants Awards
We value your contribution! Be part of our community to enjoy exclusive access to awards and recurring grant opportunities in recognition of your excellence.

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© 2021 Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA) / Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurowissenschaften (ÖGN) Design by Pritha Biswas