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FENS forum 2024

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FENS2024 - Student host society committee

Dear young Neuroscientist,

The next FENS Forum will take place from June 25-29 2024 in Vienna (Messe Wien). We, the Student Host Society Committee (SHSC), are a dynamic group of students devoted to ensuring a seamless and enriching experience for all students attending the FENS Forum 2024. Beyond the conference sessions, we've curated a vibrant array of activities and offers, ensuring your conference experience is unforgettable. 

Activities and offers of the SHSC

  • "Reserved Seats at the Experts' Table" - Meet the Experts: Step beyond the lecture hall and into a coffee break for conversations with the Speakers. (Check the list with the assigned slots)
  • "Vienna Unveiled: Uncover Hidden Gems and Local Favorites" - Vienna brochure: Discover the heart of Vienna through our eyes with our curated brochure featuring our favourite spots.
  • Navigating FENS 2024 together - Student buddy system: Incoming students, you're not alone! We can pair you with a local buddy to help you navigate the city, answer questions, and make your trip to FENS 2024 an unforgettable chapter of your academic journey.
  • "Unleash your creativity" - Video competition: Show snippets of your life as a scientist and win 300€!
  • Advice for student participants (travel, rooms, restaurants, leisure, scientific program etc)
  • SHSC booth at the conference venue (Messe Wien)
  • In collaboration with FENS: Jump the FENS! - Save the date! Meet your fellow neuroscience peers at Prater Dome from 9 pm CEST on 26th June, 2024.

More details will be announced soon. Follow us on FacebookInstagram, LinkedIn, and twitter to stay-up-to date. We look forward to sharing more with you on our platform.

Meet the SHSC

SHSC Chairs


Marta Solano (Chair), PhD student, Thomas Klausberger Group, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


David Vijatovic (Chair), PhD student, Sweeney Group, ISTA, Austria

Motivation and inspiration of David, one of our SHSC chairs are to be part of the student host community: "As a PhD student, I’ve always enjoyed building connections with fellow researchers and students. FENS 2024 is the perfect platform for people from diverse backgrounds and fields to come together, fostering interactions and mutual learning. As an SHSC chair, I am excited to help connect like-minded researchers through our committee’s activities, adding a personal touch to the conference and making it an unforgettable experience for everyone involved!"

Communication Team


Salome Niethammer, PhD student, Melzer lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Patricia Parzer, Master student, Weinhofer lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Thomas Karner, PhD student, Wagner Lab, Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria

From our Communication Team, Salome shared her incentives: "My main motivation is the opportunity to have a look „behind the scenes“ of a big conference, while working in a dynamic team of young neuroscientists, which also provides a great opportunity for networking. It was actually Sigi who inspired me to join, as he was approaching me during the Christmas party, looking for volunteers for the SHSC. He pointed out what a great career and networking opportunity this will be, and also that it will be tons of fun on the way!"

SHSC members


Greta Crudeli, PhD student, Melzer lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Heloisa Chiossi, PhD student, Csicsvari lab, ISTA, Austria


Dow Glikman, Master's student, Haubensak Lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Boglárka Tóth, Master's student, Thalamus Research Lab, László Acsády Group, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Budapest, Hungary


Divyansh Gupta, PhD student, Neuroethology Group, Maximilian Jösch Lab, ISTA, Austria


Stephanie J. Eder, PhD student, Zimmer Lab, University of Vienna, Austria


Adrián Klepe, PhD student, Winfried Neuhaus lab, AIT, Austria


Anna Padányi, PhD student, Grastyán E. Translational Neuroscience Research Group, István Hernádi lab, University of Pécs, Hungary


Magdalena Rados,PhD student, Taschner-Mandl lab and Fetahu lab, St. Anna Children's Cancer Research Institute,Vienna, Austri


Alessia De Matteis, PhD student of Balint Lasztoczi, Klausberger lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria


Gloria Fuhrmann, Master's student, Klausberger lab, Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Dow's drive and sources of inspiration to join the student host team: "Growing up, a big part of my life have always been hospitality and friendship. Throughout my studies and thanks to previous mentors I had the honour to encounter collaborative and friendly groups of scientists. Joining the host team has evidently just felt natural to me, as my hope is to create an environment for students to be able to collaborate, open arms for each other and feel home at the coming FENS Forum in Vienna. The teachers in my life have had a huge impact on how I have seen that communication and social networking are of immeasurable value. They are who inspired me to use these opportunities to put these lessons into practice by joining the SHSC."

What fuelled determination of Divyansh and where he found inspiration: "I joined the SHSC to break out of the bubble of my institute in the Austrian countryside. I got to meet other neuro-students from Vienna and work with them to make the FENS Forum a more welcoming and less intimidating experience for young neuroscientists; something I felt lacking in previous conferences that I attended."

The factors that propelled Adrián forward and the wellsprings of his inspiration to join the community: "I observed my supervisor when he organised a congress two years ago. I witnessed his genuine passion for science, as he incorporated humour to engage with the audience and build a connection with them. He inspired me to strive towards joining the student host team that combines enthusiasm for science, a fulfilling and enriching experience, and shared behind-the-scenes glimpses. Collaborating with young neuro-souls, I am excited to incorporate a new aspect of human touch into my neuroscientific journey."

Anna's motivating forces and the sources that ignited her inspiration were: "I always wished to share my passion for research and science; and for that reason, I have become a STEM Ambassador and organised various competitions for high school students. It only seemed like a step further to take part in SHSC and encourage young researchers to mingle and get a taste of and become valuable members of the scientific community."

Are you also getting motivated to meet us at FENS? For more content and exciting news, follow us on social media! 

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