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The real power of brain networks: community driven innovation

Good scientific research has a meticulous process in which results are pixels of an intricated image, gathered bit by bit. However, the more data is gathered, the harder it gets to see the big picture. Nevertheless, the journey is not in vain: experimental work generates valuable knowledge, methods and insights. An intellectual property that can be efficiently applied if you look at your work with someone’s “new eyes”, from a different perspective. It’s not a question that tackling the incredible complexity of neuroscience requires various expertise of many fields. While collaboration and transdisciplinarity are encouraged in academia, working overtime, often isolated from each other leaves us with little space to have an open mind and follow other disciplines’ breakthrough, let alone reach out for help to them. 

In this workshop, we will show you how ideas around the world are turned into exciting and surprising products at the service of patients and technological progress through collaboration. From brain-inspired AI to COVID sniffing robots, from human optogenetics to soft gel brain electrodes and wearables, the possibilities are endless. We will also talk about how we built the Brainstorms, our global neuroscience innovation network with thousands of scientists from 50+ countries and how this network is used to speed up breakthroughs. Finally, we’ll give you tips how you can use it to make your own research actionable and join the neurotech revolution with the Brainstorms.

This workshop is presented by THE BRAINSTORMS SCIENTIFICS

It takes place on-site, on 28. September at 18:00 at ANA meeting SALZBURG 2021 

© 2021 Austrian Neuroscience Association (ANA) / Österreichische Gesellschaft für Neurowissenschaften (ÖGN)