We hope that you had a successful even if challenging 2018, and we wish that you might optimistically look forward to the upcoming year. This letter covers some ANA and FENS activities that are potentially beneficial for you.


January 1-31, 2019: Submission period for the Best Thesis Award. We honor the best thesis accomplished in the year 2018. Visit the ANA Homepage for details.

January 14, 2019: Deadline for FENS IBRO/WERC Travel Grant Applications for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society. Visit the FENS Website for details.

January 27, 2019: Deadline for FENS IBRO/WERC Travel Grant Applications for the FENS Regional Meeting in Belgrade. Visit the FENS Website for Details. ANA will open its call for (ANA) travel grants for this meeting in due time.

February 1, 2019: Deadline for FENS Travel Grant Applications for the Australian Course in Advanced Neuroscience (ACAN). ACAN is an intensive three-week course held on beautiful North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, Australia that teaches the theory and practice of electrophysiological recording and optical imaging. Visit the FENS Website for Details.

February 15, 2019: Submission deadline for FENS EJN Young Investigator Prize. Visit the FENS Website for Details.

March 1, 2019: Submission deadline for FENS EJN Best Publication Award: Visit the FENS Website for Details.

April 1, 2019: Deadline for submitting abstracts for the FENS Regional Meeting in Belgrade. Visit the Meeting Website for details.  



From September 25-27, 2019, a combined ANA/APHAR Meeting will take place at the CCB in Innsbruck. It will be organized by the upcoming ANA President Francesco Ferraguti and the ANA President Sigismund Huck. Details on Program and registration will be published on the ANA and APHAR Websites in due time. Please also check the ANA Website for updates.

ANA General Assembly: The General Assembly will take place during the meeting. One central part of the agenda will be the election of the next ANA Board. As Vice-President, Francesco Ferraguti is automatically the elected next ANA President. However, all other positions are up for election. Please let us know by whether you are interested to serve on the ANA Board. Please also note that we have an ANA Extended Board whose members are appointed by the ANA Board. Being an Extended Board member helps to become acquainted with the agenda of our society. If you are interested in becoming member of the Extended Board please also contact



ANA has been a central advocate in the efforts to increase funding by the FWF. A summit on FTI excellence under the patronage of ministries in charge will show whether these efforts have been successful. The summit will take place in spring. You find materials on these efforts on the ANA Homepage. On our website, we will also keep you informed on the progress that will be made.

Our long-standing member Josef Donnerer has recently retired. Josef was working at the Division of Pharmacology, Otto Loewi   Research Center (for Vascular Biology, Immunology and Inflammation), Medical University Graz. He was ANA Secretary from 2006-2012, chief organizer of the 2001 ANA Meeting in Seckau, Styria, and attending almost every ANA Meeting in the past. Secretaries are the beating hearts of ANA and carry the main burdens of our activities. We will miss Josef and his ever-supporting role in our community.

I would also like to acknowledge the engagement of Andreas Lieb, one of the principle organizers of the Wissensdurst Festival. For quite some years, these festivals have very successfully promoted science in general and neuroscience in particular. Here you can visit their latest activities.

Furthermore a (for me) relatively new initiative on public awareness (The Brainstorms) has been launched. In the latest event Brainstorm #5, Mira Kronschläger spoke on Pain Perception. Wherever we can, ANA will support such activities.

The 2019 Brain Awareness Week, which will take place March 11-17, will be covered separately.